The Mausolea and Monuments Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1106634
70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ
Tel: 020 7608 1441
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Cemeteries and Mausolea
A Select Bibliography

Felix Barker: Highgate Cemetery: Victorian Valhalla (Murray, 1984)

Ian Beesley and David James: Undercliffe: Bradford's History Victorian Cemetery (Ryburn Book Productions, 1991)

Sandra Beresford: Italian Memorial Sculpture 1820 - 1940: A Legacy of Love (Francis Lincoln, 2004)

Chris Brooks: Mortal Remains: the History and Present State of the Victorian and Edwardian Cemetery (Exeter: Wheaton, 1989)

Colin Clark and Reuben Davison: In Loving Memory: The Story of Undercliffe Cemetery (Sutton Publishing, 2004)

John M Clarke: London's Necropolis: A Guide to Brookwood Cemetery (Sutton Publishing, 2004)

John Clarke (assisted by Mary Lucas and Arthur Storie): An Introduction to Brookwood Cemetery (Brookwood: Necropolis Publications, 1992)

Sir Howard Colvin: Architecture and the After-Life (Yale, 1991)

Judi Culbertson and Tom Randall: Permanent Londoners - An Illustrated Guide to the Cemeteries of London (London, Robson, 1991)

James Stevens Curl: The Victorian Celebration of Death (2000, reprinted Stroud: Sutton, 2001)

James Stevens Curl (ed): Kensal Green Cemetery (Chichester: Phillimore, 2001)

Brent Eliott: Highgate Cemetery (Friends of Highgate Cemetery, 1978)

Julian Litten: The English Way of Death (1991, reprinted London: Robert Hale 2002)

Samantha Matthews: Poetical Remains: Poets' Graves, Bodies and Books in the Nineteenth Century (Oxford University Press June 2004)

Hugh Meller, London Cemeteries: An Illustrated Guide and Gazetteer, Second Edition, (Amersham: Avesbury Publishing Co, 1985)

Lynn F Pearson: Mausoleums (Princes Risborough, Shire Publications, 2002)

Michael Wheeler: Death and the Future Life in Victorian Literature and Theology (Cambridge University Press, 1990)

Ken Worpole: Last Landscapes - The Architecture of the Cemetery in the West (Reaktion Books 2004)